The full business name of the company is: Tara kula raft.
Headquarters: Narodne heroja bb, Žabljak
Contact email address:
The sale of goods through our online store is carried out as part of a registered activity, with headquarters: Narodne heroja bb, Žabljak, PIB: 02783061.
The selling price of tours is indicated on the page of each tour, and the possibility of purchasing services with special price benefits or with special sales incentives (promotional sales) is done in accordance with the conditions published on
We strive to be as precise as possible in the description of the tours, the display of images and the prices themselves, but we cannot guarantee that all information is complete and error-free. Images do not have to be 100% identical to the services.
Tara kula raft does not provide online ordering services to persons under the age of 18 (eighteen).